Detailed Funding Information

The Spot is a partnership between KentuckianaWorks and Goodwill Industries of Kentucky.

The total cost of The Spot in Louisville for the time frame of July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024, is $6,025,749.82. Of the total, $1,775,338.86 (29.46%) is federal funding, $3,081,259.27 (51.13%) is non-federal funding, and $985,151.69(16.35%) is Goodwill leveraged funding. Of the total federal funding, $294,303.56 (16.58%) is from the U.S. Department of Labor – Employment and Training Administration grant through Goodwill LifeLaunch: Ignite Reentry Program, $202,259.00 (11.39%) from the U.S. Department of Labor – Employment and Training Administration grant through FHI 360 (total award is $700,000 for 2.5 years  This grant is subject to the Stevens Amendment), $533,740.00 (30.06%) from the U.S. Department of Labor Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA), $741,429.00 (41.76%) American Rescue Plan Funding from the Office of Safe and Healthy Neighborhoods, and $153,607.30 (8.65%) from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program. Non-federal funding totals $3,081,259.27, of which $36,592.60 (1.19%) is state funding from Department of Juvenile Justice, $2,700,000.00 (87.63%) from Louisville Metro Government, and $75,666.67(2.56%) from other private funding like: Accenture - Opportunity Accelerator and ARGI.

Of the total grants, the federally funded Goodwill LifeLaunch: Ignite Reentry Program, the federally funded Go! (Growth Opportunities), the locally funded Office of Safe and Healthy Neighborhoods Programs, and the privately funded Opportunity Accelerator Program have lifespans of 2.5-3 years. All remaining grants are annual renewals or annual procurements.

The total cost for The Spot in the region (Bullitt, Henry, Jefferson, Oldham, Shelby, Spencer, and Trimble counties) for the time frame of July 1st, 2023 – June 30, 2024, is $346,060.00 of federal funding from the U.S. Department of Labor Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA).